What Franchise

BabyBeats and Mindful Movers add another class to repertoire

Posted: 08 Dec 2022
Estimated Read Time: one minute

Franchisees will now have the option to launch BabyBeats Before Birth classes for pregnant women

What Franchise

The success of BabyBeats led to the natural progression of Mindful Movers.

“Parents love BabyBeats and when their little ones get too old, we accommodate the demand for classes with our fantastic Mindful Movers toddler and parent class,” explained founder Rose Gibson. “After the great success of these classes, we then worked within schools and educational settings to develop the programme to hit key milestones that work within the government curriculum. Functional Foundations was added in 2022 to meet the demand for adult-only classes.”

With so many new parents coming through its doors and with the lack of prenatal classes, Rose decided it was time to open a further revenue stream for franchisees with BabyBeats Before Birth.

“Each trimester that a woman is pregnant brings a new set of physiological and biomechanical changes and challenges to the mother and her growing unborn child. Our well-designed programme follows the progress of each trimester making exercises suitable for each woman with opportunities throughout to modify or progress each movement. This ensures a safe and effective programme,” said Rose.

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