What Franchise

BabyBeats devises a way to help more women run their own business

Posted: 22 Jun 2022
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

It is one of the very few franchises in the UK to operate with the option of a flexible initial franchise fee

What Franchise

BabyBeats founder and director, Rose Gibson, recently hit the international press for empowering women to be able to run their own businesses around their children. Taking that one step further, BabyBeats have devised a way to help more women run their own business by becoming one of the very few franchises in the UK to operate with the option of a flexible initial franchise fee.

“Through thorough screening and with a watertight recruitment process we ensure we only take on the people who are going to be a driving force to not only make a successful business for themselves but to share our company ethos,” said Rose.

“We want to break the mould on conventional working and we don’t want to have to continually turn down amazing candidates due to the initial investment they need to make. This new system is to ensure we get the right people on board, helping them to create amazing careers for themselves as well as pushing our brand to the forefront of postnatal, children’s and women’s health.”

With the rise of women in the entrepreneurial world, age-old stereotypes are being broken. The journey to get here over the past few years has certainly been challenging but women are proving every day that a sense of empowerment can invoke the inspiration to achieve anything.

With more and more focus being given to mental health and wellbeing, BabyBeats and Mindful Movers are at the forefront in 2022. The parent and baby classes franchise commenced this year with a nationwide search to find the right people to bring its classes to communities across the country.

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