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Care at home franchise calls for former nurses to help fight impact of coronavirus

Posted: 25 Mar 2020
Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

PerCurra to create ‘Volunteer List’ of former nurses to help fill potential vacancies in the UK care sector as a result of current care staff having to self-isolate due to COVID-19

What Franchise

PerCurra, the at-home care franchise headquartered in Nottingham, has launched a volunteer recruitment drive and is looking for experienced former nurses and health care staff interested in helping vulnerable people during the coronavirus public health emergency.

The company is anticipating that there could be a shortage of care staff over the coming weeks as increasing numbers of healthcare staff self-isolate and is, therefore, calling for willing volunteers to step forward and help care for elderly people and those with other medical conditions which leave them reliant on at-home care.

Importantly, this is not just to work with PerCurra. The aim is to create a national list of volunteers so that people can be put in contact with their relevant local authority to help fill care vacancies in their local communities.

However, PerCurra will provide a full Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check on all volunteers and, where necessary, provide training support to ensure that those people receiving support in their home continue to enjoy high standards of care.

Gill Heppell, founder of PerCurra said: “At a time of national crisis it’s up to all care providers to play their part. We are in unchartered waters with regard to the impact the coronavirus will have on those needing care and their care providers. We may find that existing clients need additional support which will mean homecare visits may take longer and, at the same time, we may have fewer staff members to call on to provide care at home as more people self-isolate.

“In anticipation of a potential shortfall of care staff, I am setting up a national database of volunteer care workers across the UK, people who would be able to step forward as care providers should the need arise. Using the database, PerCurra would help local authorities to fill their care requirements so that we can ensure vulnerable people still get the care they need.

“As an established care at-home provider, we would be able to provide training courses for former health care workers, along with hygiene products and guidance to keep them safe and, for the reassurance of clients, ensure that all DBS checks are in place. We would want to protect clients and staff from infection and provide guidelines for safe working.”

PerCurra is inviting people to register their interest now so that preparations are made in advance of the crisis worsening. People who would like to volunteer should email assist@PerCurrra.com with their contact details.

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