What Franchise

Carewatch appoints new CEO

Posted: 09 Oct 2018
Estimated Read Time: one minute
What Franchise

Mark Stephenson has joined the home care and companionship provider with a brief to drive growth and service excellence.

He’s managed businesses across a range of industry sectors, including clinical home care, dentistry and pharmaceuticals.

Mark will be responsible for managing all of Carewatch’s owned and franchised operations.

He says: “I’m delighted to join a care provider that puts quality first and continually invests in its staff and operations to stand apart from the competition.

“Challenges facing the care sector, such as funding constraints and recruitment, make it a tough market, especially with local authority commissioners, where acceptable margins and on-time payment seem more and more challenging.

“Privately funded care is showing good growth and is an area that this business can really thrive in - while never forgetting its heritage in local authority.”

Carewatch’s former CEO Scott Christie remains at the company as a non-executive director to support its strategic and quality agendas, as well as continuing to chair the company’s staffing agency business, RMR.

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