What Franchise

Home Instead recognises its carers for the professionals they are

Posted: 08 Mar 2022
Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes

The franchise has made the decision to refer to its caregivers as care professionals or collectively as care pros

What Franchise

Across the Home Instead network, more than 12,000 caregivers provide astounding levels of quality care that allows older people to remain living independently in their own homes.

Home is the safest place to care for older people, and in a move to recognise and highlight the professionalism of its care workforce, Home Instead has made the decision to refer to its caregivers as care professionals or collectively as care pros.

This move was announced by Martin Jones, CEO of Home Instead UK, at its national conference last month.

Further placing care professionals at the heart of Home Instead, Martin also announced the formation of a Care Pro Council. This council, made up of care professionals from across the Home Instead network, will meet with the executive leadership team (ELT) three times a year to guide major planning and decisions across the Home Instead franchise network.

Martin said: “This initiative sends a clear signal about our intention to be an employer of choice and reinforces the admiration and respect we have for our people. It will also ultimately benefit our clients.

“We need to professionalise the sector and make it one where people want to stay and grow within. One of the ways we will achieve this is by having a more open dialogue and learning from our care professionals themselves.

“We pride ourselves on the esteem with which our care workforce is held within the business and the training, career opportunities, support and wellbeing packages already on offer – but we are taking this to the next level.”

Martin added, “The Care Pro Council will allow us to walk in a Care Professional’s shoes and get an invaluable insight into their day-to-day work. They will have a direct input into the decisions we make that will impact their lives and those of their clients. It’s a win, win.

“We are all really excited about this new initiative and looking forward to our first meeting in the Spring.”

As part of a franchise network, the 240+ Home Instead franchise offices benefit from the company’s ongoing initiatives including their industry-leading approach to recruitment and retention. Home Instead offers a quality service from a quality brand, and recruit caring, professional individuals to deliver these services.

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