What Franchise

Brand confusion

Posted: 22 Apr 2008
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Three quarters of UK companies admit that their logo may be causing more confusion than clarity among consumers trying to work out what products and services they actually offer, a new survey has revealed.

According to research by print-on-demand specialist Prontaprint, half of the companies surveyed admitted that brand identity was of little importance to them when launching their business, with over 77 per cent spending less than one day researching their corporate logo and colours. On the flip side, a separate study of consumers revealed that 78 per cent of people said that company logo and colours are at the top of the list, alongside value, when it comes to making a purchasing decision.

The study also confirms that the wrong image could be costing UK businesses dearly, with more than 55 per cent of bosses believing their turnover would significantly increase as a result of research and changes to their brand identity. But despite this revelation, 88 per cent of companies across all sectors insist they have no plans to change their logo.

Of the consumers surveyed, over half associated red and gold with success. Green and blue also came out as positive colours as they promoted an association with safety, while purple was seen as conveying quality. Colours associated with failure were predominantly yellow, grey and brown.

“Today’s visually oriented, brand-savvy consumers have elevated the importance of brand, which is why it is surprising that the majority of businesses are in doubt as to whether they are correctly conveying their business credentials,” says Keith Davidson, head of marketing for Prontaprint.

“A strong brand reflects that a company is professional, well organised and driven to succeed. It enables it to stand out from the crowd, giving consumers a strong sense of the personality and values of a business.

“The results speak for themselves. Consumers admit that elements of a brand, such as colour and logo, influence their ultimate purchasing decision and UK businesses need to pay heed to this. Too many spend little time considering their visual identity, or are unwilling to invest in order to increase their customer base, even though they are well aware it will ultimately boost their bottom line.”

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