What Franchise

Molly Maid launches new site

Posted: 09 May 2007
Estimated Read Time: one minute

Residential cleaning franchise Molly Maid has launched its new website (www.mollymaid.co.uk), becoming the first company in the UK cleaning industry to enable customers to purchase gift vouchers online.

“If you were to ask any mum what they would like as a gift, you will find most would say a clean house,” says Pam Bader, OBE, chief executive of Molly Maid. “Mums are busy and the hectic lifestyles they are juggling make it near impossible to manage the cleaning of the home as well.

“We identified an increase in gift voucher sales for events such as Mother’s Day and Christmas over the past few years and wanted to provide customers with an ability to more easily obtain them from Molly Maid.

“The purchase of goods and services online is indisputably the future of retailing and we are positioning Molly Maid to take full advantage.”

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