What Franchise

Revive! helps technician become his own boss

Posted: 31 Dec 2020
Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes

Paul Morris goes into business with former customer and now partner Leanne Dubberley

What Franchise

When Revive! technician Paul Morris turned up to repair a customer’s car bumper eight years ago, little did he know his life was about to change dramatically.

When he saw Leanne, Paul admits it was love at first sight. Now the couple have two sons and are planning a wedding in summer 2022.

They’ve also gone into business together, becoming the new owners of Revive! Birmingham North following its resale.

Paul looks after the business day-to-day, while Leanne, who has a background in financial services, manages finances and marketing.

As a Revive! technician, Paul knew how profitable owning one of the company’s SMART repair franchise could be. He trained to be an automotive refinisher at college and then worked at several bodyshops before joining Revive! in 2014.

But he didn’t want to be technician for the rest of his life. With a growing family to support and an ambition to be his own boss, when the opportunity to buy Revive! Birmingham North came up Paul and Leanne jumped at the chance.

Both of them grew up within the territory, so they know the area well.

Paul explains: “As I was already working as a Revive! technician, I had a good understanding of how the business works. We like the knowledge and integrity the company adheres to, along with the constant improvements to keep up with the evolving industry.

“It’s an industry I’ve always been in. Revive! is a renowned brand, so it was an opportunity on our doorstep we just couldn’t miss out on.”

Commenting on the completion of the resale, Cathryn Hayes, Revive! franchise director, said: “Paul had already been identified as one of our top technicians, so to have a new owner with such experience and long-serving commitment to the Revive! vision and values couldn’t be better. 

“Paul and Leanne impressed us right from the beginning of this process with their complementary business skills and shared desire to grow Revive! Birmingham North into a much bigger business. We welcome them to the network and wish them every success.” 

The resale of Revive! Birmingham North straddled the outbreak of the COVID pandemic and subsequent lockdown, but this didn’t hold up the process. 

“The power of technology enabled us to complete the process with no issues,” Paul says.

“Having interviews with the directors over Zoom was great, as it meant we were still able to meet the team and go through the process smoothly.”

Training took place via Zoom as well, but as Paul had already completed training as a Revive! technician this wasn’t an issue.

“The sessions have always been at a time to suit all parties and everyone has been great,” Paul says.

“Each person we spoke with is so knowledgeable and extremely helpful. They went out of their way to make sure we had the information required to be a success.

“Having regular interaction with people at head office has been lovely. It shows that Revive! really does care and that their support is always there and ongoing.”

Paul and Leanne currently have three vans on the road, with plans to add a fourth as soon as they have recruited another technician. Their aim is to add a van to the fleet each year for the next two years.

Leanne says: “We want to expand the service to reach every corner of our territory.

“The business has so much potential for growth, our aim is to get our name and reputation known across the area.”





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