What Franchise

Wilkins Chimney Sweep scores top rating in WorkBuzz satisfaction survey

Posted: 13 Aug 2022
Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Franchisees recommended the franchise to others and said they would do it all again

What Franchise

Wilkins Chimney Sweep has achieved its highest ever score in a WorkBuzz Franchise Satisfaction Benchmark (FSB) Survey.

This year the chimney-sweeping franchisees gave their franchise a 97 per cent overall satisfaction score, improving on their 2021 score by 8 per cent and scoring a full 100 per cent in 18 out of the 27 questions asked.

Lisa Kimber, franchise manager at Wilkins Chimney Sweep, said: “We take part every year, to make sure we are on top of our game; even though we have open and honest dialogue with all our franchisees, we think it is good for them to have this anonymous vehicle to report any areas of concern.

“As a franchisor, we work tirelessly to ensure we are giving our franchisees the best environment to build successful, sustainable businesses and to support them and their families, and we are delighted to hear that we are ticking so many boxes for them. One of the questions we scored 100 per cent in is that they know we will ‘Act on Feedback’ which is completely true; no business is perfect, and any points raised in this survey will be addressed.”

Using a consistent methodology, the franchise is assigned an overall FSB score and the highest performing franchisors are then recognised in the Best Franchise Awards held later in the year.

Some of the areas where Wilkins Chimney scored top 100 per cent rating included trust, head office support, peer support, the brand, proven system, respect and feeling valued. 92 per cent of franchisees also agreed that they had a good work-life balance and would recommend the franchise to others.

One comment said: “I feel fully supported by HO in respect to issues/concerns, marketing and my business development. Other members of the network are always quick and willing to respond to queries and advice.”

Another added: “Recent meetings and conferences have given me confidence that the leadership team have a solid business plan going forward.”

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