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My franchise story: Embarking on a new challenge after 27 years in stockbroking

"It is so reassuring to know that the help you are given is 100 per cent accurate," says Carole Lloyd, APS Legal & Associates franchisee

Carole Lloyd started with APS Legal & Associates at 54, after 27 years in stockbroking.

“It was a big challenge to start after so long, but I need not have worried!” says Carole. “The initial training was fantastic. I have never had such an inspirational trainer, who was so thorough and interesting. Believe me, over the years I have had many trainers!”

Since joining APS, if she had any questions or needed to double-check a point, she always received professional and friendly advice. Carole adds: “It is so reassuring to know that the help you are given is 100 per cent accurate. I love dealing with people, estate planning and will writing means that you can give great peace of mind and reassurance.

“People are often nervous and don’t know what to expect before we meet, but afterwards they say ‘thank goodness I have sorted that out, I feel so much better. It wasn’t difficult to do !’ That, to me, is real job satisfaction. APS Legal & Associates training gave me the tools to get those results.”

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