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How one ActionCoach franchisee is boosting big brands

How one ActionCoach franchisee is boosting big brands

Roger Pemberton has helped Premier Education hit new heights with his required ‘rhythm of business’ concept capital

Image: Roger Pemberton (2nd on left) with the Premier Education team

Organisational change at PremierFoods in 2007 meant Roger Pemberton lost his senior post as factory general manager and faced a critical decision. Aged 49, and with27 years working in the food industry, with the past 10 years in senior roles, what should he do next?

“With two teenage kids still at school, I needed to work and couldn’t disrupt family life by moving us to a new location,” explains Roger. “There weren’t any major food companies on my doorstep looking for someone with my level of experience, so if I worked locally I’d have to take a lower paid job.”

If he wanted to continue his career with big food brands, he’d have to face a long commute. Otherwise, he could do something completely different such as setting up his own business. While this certainly seemed more daunting, Roger felt ready for a change and decided to go for it. He’d been paid a lump sum when he left Premier Foods and used this to buy an ActionCOACH franchise to operate in his local area of Norfolk and North Suffolk.

“My management style had always been focused on getting the most out of the teams in my plants and helping people develop. I had strong coaching instincts and lots of solid commercial experience to draw on and share,” says Roger.

Although he wasn’t specifically looking to buy a franchise, Roger felt the ActionCOACH brand would accelerate his coaching business. Roger liked the support ActionCOACH offered and the emphasis it placed on each coach’s own development. “You’re encouraged to keep learning and training, so you continue adding value to your clients. For someone like me that was really appealing,” he says.

“By month four, I could take money out of the business to pay myself and by month 18, I had a very secure, stable coaching business. I was comfortably earning what I’d been earning at the height of my corporate career and I was doing it on my terms, with no major commute.”

It was eight years into his ActionCOACH business when Roger met a new client, Premier Education, which had coaching and franchising in common.

The Premier Education franchise

Premier Education Group is a children’s coaching and physical activity company, delivering over 25,000 sport and physical activity sessions every month through its network of UK-based franchisees.

Since 1999, Premier Education has aimed to redefine the standards of physical education, working closely with schools nationwide to inspire children to lead healthy, active, and fun lives. In 2012, Premier Education became an accredited training provider, offering qualified coaches and instructors the opportunity to gain additional qualifications and skills in the workplace.

Nurturing talent and providing training strove to set the brand apart in the market. However, despite Premier Education’s success, it has faced various challenges over the years.

David Batch, CEO at Premier Education received a cold call from Action Coach, Roger Pemberton, during a challenging period for the company. Roger offered David coaching funded through grant money.

David agreed to the offer, intrigued by gaining access to coaching and business strategies.

From the beginning, David recognised Roger possessed first-hand business experience alongside the coaching system he used. This practical approach impressed David, leading him to continue working with Roger beyond the initial funded business coaching sessions.

In the early days, the coaching focused on one to-one sessions with David. He was leading the business through acquisitions and growth including the expansion of its franchise network, with every responsibility ultimately falling to him.

Roger explained the importance of surrounding yourself with a high-performing team and, within two years, the coaching expanded to include Premier Education’s directors, aiming to transfer knowledge, skills and responsibilities from David to a team of senior leaders.

Amy Burdett, joined as head of HR and facilities and part of the senior leadership team. “I received coaching from Roger on business and strategic planning,” she says. “Through the coaching process, I gained a deeper understanding of key performance indicators and financial management, enabling me to exercise greater control over my department’s growth. It’s been a game changer.”

Long lasting results

Over a decade, Premier Education has faced significant challenges, including Covid-19 and other typical operational obstacles. However, one constant positive factor has been Roger and the coaching he provides with his ActionCOACH business.

“Through Roger’s coaching since January 2015, Premier Education experienced substantial growth with revenues more than doubling and by employing key tools developed by Roger, our team remain focused and efficient,” says David. “The coaching not only impacted the organisation’s performance but also transformed our culture, creating a more enjoyable and harmonious work environment.”

In April 2023, Premier Education’s efforts were recognised when they won the ‘Best Company Culture’ award at the BizX Awards. The impact of Roger’s strategies had not been limited to the central team - coaching methodologies and business strategies were rolled out across the Premier Education franchise network comprising 50+ businesses.

Franchisees, with turnovers ranging from £200,000 to £2 million, experienced increased efficiency, positive revenue growth, and improved business management.

“Without the support of our Action Coach, Roger, over these years, I’m sure we’d have grown as a business, but I don’t think we’d have achieved the same outstanding progress as we have,” says David.

“Looking to the future, we’ve set ambitious growth targets, aiming to double our revenue across our network of over 1,000 people working in schools every day over the next three years.

Our franchisees also have ambitious targets of 25% growth annually for the next three years, which would result in significant revenue transformation for Premier Education Group and our franchisees’ individual businesses.”

Roger has now become a non-executive director for the group, solidifying his role in advising the organisation. Moreover, with the recent acquisition of the Sweaty Mama franchise, Roger’s expertise are crucial in integrating the brand into Premier Education’s established working practices and team culture.

“Roger’s coaching has had a profound impact on me both personally and professionally,” adds David.

“The ‘rhythm of the business’- a concept introduced by Roger - greatly improved my work-life balance and reduced work-related stress. This positive change extended to all our employees, ultimately shaping our culture. Today, Premier Education thrives due in part to the rhythm being ingrained into our operations, providing employees with the time and space to commit to culture practices that contribute to the company’s overall success.”

Roger’s perspective

Roger believes Premier Education coaching journey has been transformative. “Through being open and responsive to coaching, they’ve experienced substantial growth, increased efficiency, and seen a positive impact on the franchise network’s businesses,” he says.

“Coaching has not only benefited the organisation financially but also improved the overall work culture and employee satisfaction. Premier Education is poised for further growth and success in the future – I look forward to being part of the team.”

*This is paid partner content.

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