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Did you know?
BforB - UK has an expected revenue of Circa £200,000 AFTER fees after 2 years!
BforB - UK
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BforB - UK

Supports the local business community by facilitating the creation of business networks
Coins Icon
Minimum Investment


Briefcase Icon
Business Type

Business & Professional Services

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Funding Support

Third party support

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Total Investment


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Franchise Fees

£18,000 inc VAT

Graph Icon
Expected Revenue After 2 Years

Circa £200,000 AFTER fees

About BforB - UK

Every person has networks – family, in-laws, work colleagues, business peers, school friends, university/college friends, sports teams and more. Sometimes they overlap and meet, sometimes they don’t, what we all have in common is that we build and develop our networks on a daily basis. BforB franchises allow you to support your local business community by hosting networking opportunities and facilitating the creation of business networks, with the added bonus of building a successful, lucrative and enjoyable business. Its success becomes your success over and over.

BforB was founded in the UK in 2001 as the first British business networking franchise. Since then it has gone from strength to strength since launching across Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, continuing to grow the world over as its value is in demand by businesses everywhere. BforB licence holders own a business yielding a rewarding and fully flexible working life that affords a six-figure income within two years. The more ambitious franchisee can grow following a business model easily producing seven figures.

The professional services franchise facilitate business success for members by providing an environment where businesses can pass work between them as referrals based on the trust their relationship has forged:

· A referral from business networking generates 80 per cent better results than cold calling.
· On average, 70 per cent of new business is generated through networking or positive recommendation.
· BforB members have generated new business as high as 7,400 per cent return on their investment in club membership fees.

BforB Clubs are so named as they represent a place where business owners want to be, they can therefore thrive as a result amongst a group of like-minded individuals, creating and honing relationships that produce success. Members embrace meetings that follow the BforB Blueprint that forges relationships to yield business growth through referral generation and facilitation based on a foundation of trust.

A BforB licence holder supports local businesses by launching clubs, creating a conduit to channel and harness success by wielding positivity, not pressure. The outcome drives the formation of business supply chains. These chains boost the local economy, bringing members benefits by saving time through higher quality marketing of their business, showcasing their strengths. The phrase, People Buy People, has never been truer and continues to drive business activity.

BforB is looking for individuals that want to watch others succeed by linking the businesses local to them to their customers and suppliers and enjoy the benefits of a rewarding, lucrative and flexible business you will never want to let go of.

What is BforB looking for in its franchisees?

• Are you the kind of person that enjoys seeing those around you succeed and would get a thrill from running a business where connecting people that really need one another results in the growth of your own business?
• Do you work well in a team and see value in building a network of people committed to supporting those around them by identifying opportunities for each other?
• Do you identify with the ancient African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together”.

BforB wants to help people that want to help others. Successful candidates primarily need to understand the merits of building, developing and leading a team, perhaps there is a history of sports team coaching or leading.

Owners of small businesses who understand the merits of having a network around them are strong prospects for BforB. Especially if they want to build a network to benefit their existing business and provide business advice to others in their local area who have not yet found the arena or business community that is right for them to be a part of.

BforB welcomes supporting, driven prospective franchise owners who have time to dedicate to building something alongside an existing part-time role (assuming this is agreeable to their existing role). Individuals who are hungry to push themselves and build something rewarding to amplify their income through an additional stream.

The success of the BforB opportunity is based on building relationships with fellow business professionals, the primary quality of a BforB franchisee is the ability to connect with people and offer excellent customer service. This does not mean they have an existing database of people they want to talk to. It means they have the ability to instigate and hold a conversation with someone to identify what it is THEY need and how they can facilitate that need. That could be approaching a business about visiting a club ahead of launch, or a venue to hold a regular club meeting or local/regional event. The hunger to see other people succeed is paramount as the success of each franchise hinges on members investing in and maintaining their membership by feeling returns on that investment.

The more a franchisee can capture and encourage this, the more this becomes automated as a track record of success empowers members to pass on the ethos and culture of supporting those around them.

How does the BforB franchise model work?

BforB was the first British business networking franchise, with 20-plus years of innovating and providing value to its partners, members and franchisees alike. The source of the continued global success stems from the provision of support for everyone associated with the brand, delivering more than what they need: this is the beating heart of BforB’s success –that may be helping a franchisee build a six- or seven-figure business by feeling valued and supported, or a member receiving a 7400 per cent return on their membership investments, allowing their business to grow and prosper.

Franchisees build sought after business networking clubs that measure returns and support the growth of their members’ businesses alongside their own. The opportunity delivers a package of support, maximising the chances of fast returns with revenues being seen within the first two months of launch as franchisees enjoy a support package including funding support, accountancy, marketing, technical and software, cyber security, business building and strategic alliances – all in addition to the initial training induction, allowing them to focus their energies on the activities to grow their own business.

Businesses only function by creating and maintaining supply chains of suppliers and customers. They need both to function and after every financial crash, they hunger for arenas to find and develop more of these relationships. In 2021 there were 6,700,000 small businesses recorded across the UK all trying to stabilise and continue growing. Many did not know how to do this being startups, many had to repair the damage caused by the pandemic economy shift and find new ways of operating. Running your successful business will mean seeing clients succeed as well.

BforB’s blueprint supplies them with what they need to survive and thrive in the face of adversity by reminding them that they are not alone and together are stronger. The marketplace shifted and many of the existing business networking arenas disappeared or shifted their model. Many new ones materialised, making the most of the digital ability to operate without the previous experience and structure honed by BforB over the past 20 years.

Did you know?
BforB - UK has an expected revenue of Circa £200,000 AFTER fees after 2 years!
BforB - UK
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What training and support does BforB provide its franchisees?

Prospective franchisees are offered a full package of support, starting with enquiries specialists all the way to support specialists. BforB is looking for individuals to embrace the support and want to buy the opportunity from a position of being hyper-informed; over having to be sold the franchise.

What prospects can expect
Enquiries are received thus launching the BforB engagement process. Information is delivered to the prospect to start building a relationship with its knowledgeable and supportive team. When the time is right for the prospect to move forwards the team arranges for the senior leadership team to present the opportunity to its fullest. This is either at an upcoming discovery day or privately in a one-on-one setting – face-to-face/digital. This answers any pending questions from the prospect and confirms the opportunity is and will deliver what they expect.

Funding support and advice are introduced and the prospect is accompanied through the initial stages of the training process, culminating with the launch of the business within eight weeks of the commitment being made and licence signed.

The training period takes place in person and is delivered by the senior leadership team done in small groups of franchisees to maximise support and content assimilation. This also creates a buddy system where franchisees can work together to develop business opportunities and support each other as they grow their individual businesses. Franchisees are trained on how to market, launch and run clubs, how and when to empower members to take the reins, allowing the franchisee to re-direct their efforts at the next club launch. Other support comes in the form of learning how to operate the business itself as a management franchise outside of the clubs with the help of packages supplied by BforB as part of the franchise.

Throughout this training journey the franchisee is introduced to other elements of the operation:
· The marketing package: The franchisee selects what methods of marketing support they want according to their own skillsets to grow their business, be that local business data sets, PR campaigns.
· Its finance specialists introduce setting up their company and action corporation tax registration, VAT, budgeting etc.
· The digital team introduce the use and operation of the internal systems of BforB & cyber security.
· Existing strategic alliances are introduced to support the population of new clubs with members as they launch.

The senior leadership team also support the sourcing and engaging of venues for the clubs to run.

There is also support provided in putting on regional events and BforB also runs a national awards ceremony to celebrate members’ and franchisees’ own achievements in a given year to promote the business and share the value the BforB model offers, thus, highlighting the return on investment everyone associated with the BforB brand.

How much does a BforB franchise cost?

The minimum investment to purchase a license is £18,000 (inc. VAT) this will allow franchisees to run a business club in up to 5 locations within their territory. BforB franchisees, however, are requested and required to have working capital available for several months to see them through the initial training period and launch phase of their journey to maximise the chance of reaching the point where income replaces the need for the starting capital.

The finance team work with prospects to identify how best to facilitate this investment. BforB does not identify with prospects putting their personal situation and family under undue pressure and risk so personal funding is only accepted in cases where a demonstrable level of security is assured and agreed upon by both parties.

In a majority of cases, BforB will introduce and support the candidate to secure a startup loan for their business by introducing them to its third party funding specialist team who will help them produce a strong application for finance.

Following the acquisition of funding, the training and launch phase begins, culminating with the launch of the franchisee’s first club at the end of week eight. The launch of the club marks the point at which the business can start to generate its own revenue, realistically this can be expected within the next week as membership decisions from that launch begin to materialise. The process of growing this first club and launching the other four in that license to even just half capacity in accordance with the BforB blueprint means the business will have turned over treble its initial investment in its first year of trading alone.

What locations or territories is BforB looking to operate in?

The increase in digital networking has altered the way in which the BforB operation maps out its territories. The acquisition and placement of franchises is no longer done by postcode but by a population density system. A town or city with more businesses can support an increased number of clubs. As such BforB welcomes franchise applications from all over the UK. The stipulation is that the franchisee is able to attend a club that they put on so a limit of 50 miles from a place of residence is the general rule of thumb applied.

What are the franchise terms of agreement and renewal?

The BforB franchise agreement is a licence for five years and franchisees have the right to enter into a new franchise agreement with BforB at the end of that time indicated in writing, not more than 12 months nor less than six months before the expiry of the current agreement term. The terms of the franchise agreement will then apply. BforB will review any renewal application with you once it is received. BforB requires that renewal applicants have met the terms of its franchise agreement in full and require a new or substantially updated business plan (narrative and financial), marketing plan and growth plan, covering the new term sought. Performance to date is reviewed and the new or revised business plan and marketing plan within three months of any renewal applied for.

Why is BforB a good investment?

BforB provides and facilitates value that’s needed by every business. Every business needs contacts, customers and suppliers.

BforB takes the desire within its franchisees to support others and applies that to its unique blueprint. The result is a healthy thriving network of businesses and relationships that can in many cases last for years. Not only is this personally very rewarding but financial returns are equally substantial.

How do I start setting up my own BforB franchise?

To find out more, or to request further information on franchising with BforB, complete the form below and click on the ‘Request Free Information’ button now.

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