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Expense Reduction Analysts franchise pays off big time

Expense Reduction Analysts franchise pays off big time

David Rogers has earned more than £1 million since joining Expense Reduction Analysts

David Rogers was 44 when he joined Expense Reduction Analysts, and as his business developed he had a motivational mental image of taking delivery of a brand new Jaguar on his 50th birthday - and that’s exactly what he achieved by developing a successful Expense Reduction Analyst franchise.

David joined Expense Reduction Analysts in 2001 after a successful career in business systems management, which involved the introduction of new systems and processes. His experience of working to reduce procurement costs within his former roles is what enabled David to relate to the Expense Reduction Analysts concept of applying market intelligence and negotiation skills for the benefit of clients to achieve savings without compromising service or quality.


Over the last 10 years David’s clients have enjoyed savings over 80 per cent - averaging around 25 per cent - within a wide range of categories.

“I didn’t actually start out by looking for a franchise,” he says. “I saw an advert for Expense Reduction Analysts when I was employed and the idea of becoming a procurement consultant really appealed to me. I requested information and met with the recruitment team, but at the time I wasn’t in a financial position to start my own company.

“Around 18 months later the company I was working for outsourced their work to India and I saw this as the ideal opportunity to start my own business. I went straight to Expense Reduction Analysts without considering any other franchise, as the business model and my own attributes seemed like the perfect fit.”

David says he enjoys having control over his own business, as opposed to working for someone else: “Managing my own business enables me to decide my own work schedule and how much I earn. There are real lifestyle benefits to being your own boss; I have a passion for foreign travel and my work allows me to take three or four holidays a year. I can fit my work around my personal schedule, so I still have time for the things I enjoy, such as going to the theatre or music concerts with my wife, Karen, who also works in the business.”

David’s highlights since joining Expense Reduction Analysts include the many successful projects he’s worked on. “One that really stands out is the relationship I have with an iconic denim clothing retailer,” he explains. “Our partnership with this super brand has resulted in savings of £250,000 year on year in stores across 20 different countries. In one category in particular we achieved a saving of 82 per cent, which absolutely delighted the client. “Another highlight is being appointed by the same financial director in the three different companies they worked for. That demonstrated real recognition of our work and the benefits engaging ERA has on an organisation.”

David adds: “A personal highlight was purchasing my Jaguar.”


It has been 10 years since David joined Expense Reduction Analysts and he still enjoys what he does: “My business has grown each year and the financial rewards are beyond my expectations. I have earned over £100,000 on average each year and billed the company over a million pounds. I want this kind of success to continue for my business.

“It is Expense Reduction Analysts’ breadth of knowledge and experience that sets us apart from other cost reduction companies. The strength of our network puts us in a much better position to achieve maximum savings for our clients, as we have experts in over 100 different categories. In my opinion, no one else comes close to what we do.”

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