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Strike a deal with the Minicards franchise

Strike a deal with the Minicards franchise

Over the last 11 years MINICARDS has grown into a global presence reaching all corners of the world

MINICARDS is now in Scotland - the company has been helping businesses around the world get more customers by targeting the areas where tourists are staying. The appealing design and compact format make it easy for visitors to put the MINICARDS in their wallet, pocket or purse.

MINICARDS was developed by the company’s two founders in Amsterdam. Since the early days, the format of the card has been changed and fine-tuned to today’s current format. Over the last 11 years MINICARDS has grown into a global presence reaching all corners of the world.


MINICARDS means striking deals with clients who wish to advertise their attraction, business, shop or restaurant to visitors coming to stay in the area. By offering the visitor an incentive to come and see them, this unique system allows them to monitor their investment.

It also means signing up hotels and hostels to place the stands, adding value to their customers’ stay. As the cards hang from a patented stand, the establishments don’t have to worry about untidy leaflets all over the place.

With 15 million tourists coming to Scotland last year spending around £4.3 billion (information provided by VisitScotland website), there is potential for all businesses to increase customer levels. MINICARDS believes that the best place to advertise to tourists is where they are staying.

Setting up your own business may seem daunting, but you are not alone. MINICARDS Scotland is here to help and advise you, as working for yourself is meant to be fun as well as rewarding. You will receive training on MINICARDS’ systems and in the method of creating the cards. There is plenty of help on offer to help you get established.

Take a look at the newly designed website that aids your customers to advertise and where the hotels and hostels are listed. You can also download MINICARDS’ app to your phone and see how it guides you to locations.

MINICARDS is an easy to run franchise that is fun to operate. It is a recognised trademarked and patented brand.