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Q&A: FASTSIGNS franchisees Simon and Friederike Slee

Q&A: FASTSIGNS franchisees Simon and Friederike Slee

Simon and Friederike Slee were working as an investment banker and landscape architect respectively before deciding to combine their skill sets and open their FASTSIGNS centre.

How did you find out about fastsigns?

Simon says: “We attended The National Franchise Exhibition and saw the brand exhibiting at this event. As FASTSIGNS provides an end-to-end signage service to their customers, we realised we could utilise our individual skill sets. With Friederike’s skill with design and consultation and my sales experience, FASTSIGNS just felt like an unbelievably good fit for us.”

How did fastsigns help you get up and running?

“In terms of joining the network, FASTSIGNS had a robust system for helping us get up to speed,” Simon says.

“From our first meeting with the team to working in the centre took just three months. Within that time we were supported through training at FASTSIGNS head office in Dallas, Texas, writing business and marketing plans, obtaining finance and learning about the brand.

“As we purchased a resale, there was no need to source a location, but over time our business has grown and we have needed to relocate. The support team helped us find an appropriate location, purchasing equipment and fitting out our premises to the required brand standards.”

Describe your typical working day

Friederike explains: “The first thing to say is that our days are never the same - and we like that. Each day has the same structure, but the projects we work on are diverse and creative.

“We start the day with a ‘work-start meeting’, where we discuss our current workload and targets with our 11 team members. Simon then focuses on the sales and marketing side of the business, talking to prospective and current clients, booking and attending site visits and taking briefs.

“I take charge of pitching to customers, providing quotes, designing physical signage and pushing it through to production.

“We also aim to be as involved in the FASTSIGNS network as we can be. We attend company meetings, webinars and training sessions, as well as being a mentor centre to newer members of the network.”

What’s the secret to your success?

“Quite simply, it’s sticking to the model,” Simon says. “Sending marketing communications, utilising the materials available, employing additional sales staff, setting clear targets for them to achieve, employing the right members of staff and attending ongoing training.”

At a glance FASTSIGNS



Number of franchised outlets:

more than 700 worldwide. 23 in the UK

Locations of all outlets:


Investment revel:

from £125,000

Minimum required capital:




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