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Choice of options at oven cleaning franchise

Choice of options at oven cleaning franchise

Ovenu offers two successful business models for prospective franchisees to invest in

Starting your own business is a big decision to make, but it can be a very exciting time also. It seems sensible therefore to consider all your options.

There are some basic options to look into. For example, do you start from scratch or buy an existing business? Do you work alone or investigate buying a franchise and being part of a bigger organisation? Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer to those questions, which is why thorough research is essential.


Whichever route you take, one consistent truth applies - a business places great demands on your time and money, two very scarce resources.

Oven cleaning specialist Ovenu has been successfully helping people with those questions for nearly 20 years, because franchising is not for everyone. Not only is the Ovenu business model tried and tested, the company’s recruitment process has demonstrated time after time that being transparent with prospective franchisees and allowing them time to understand their financial commitment and day to day role will help them make the right decision.

Franchising has a good reputation as a successful industry, but nothing should be taken for granted when completing your research. The main high street banks certainly recognise the benefits that a British Franchise Association approved franchise system offers, and especially one with a pedigree like Ovenu’s.

The Ovenu business model operates successfully in the UK, Australia and America. Under the ownership and control of Rik Hellewell, it has 100 franchisees in the UK and is a full member of the British Franchise Association. There are currently new start-up opportunities and existing franchise territories available.

The initial support and comprehensive training that is provided, together with probably the best website within the franchise industry, ensures franchisees get off to the best possible start with their Ovenu franchise. Ongoing support is also provided.

However, the main cog in the wheel that drives the business forward is the franchisee. The franchisor has the systems and brand, while franchisees must possess the enthusiasm and determination to succeed. Rik knows and believes that for a franchise system to flourish and prosper it must operate as a partnership, with each party fulfilling their respective role and giving total commitment to the business and their customers.

With the minimum of reporting, the Ovenu business model is both simple and flexible to operate, because Ovenu wants franchisees to be focused on cleaning ovens and making money, not filling in forms and reports. Franchisees directly manage their work diary and deal directly with customers.


Ovenu offers two successful business models, depending on your local geography, demographics and population of the area you are interested in developing. There is the standard territory, which contains around 60,000 households, and a rural territory, which usually consists of 25,000-30,000 households.

The franchise package fee for the rural opportunity is lower to reflect the size of the territory. However, a rural area should generate a good income because of the high awareness levels the Ovenu brand enjoys in the marketplace.

The franchise start up package has recently been enhanced to include PR and follow up support after the business has been launched.

What happens when you come to exit and sell up? Generally, a franchise business model will achieve a higher sales value because the buyer is not left entirely on their own when they take over. They will have been trained and prepared for their acquisition and may even be offered hands on support.

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