The HIGH FIVE FOREVER campaign will enable franchisees to make a difference to other people’s lives directly
The InXpress Gives Back initiative is etched in the heart of the InXpress franchise. When franchisees started a scheme to allow them to fund initiatives like December’s purchase of an upgraded wheelchair for young Harry, they collectively jumped at the chance to give ‘high fives’ forever.
When questioned, entrepreneurs tend to list “making a difference” and “giving back” as their top priorities from achieving success. There’s nothing like being able to do something to brighten someone else’s day and make their life easier. Last December, the InXpress network bought a young man called Harry the wheelchair of his dreams. This not only changed his life but changed the business’ too.
In April, InXpress Gives Back launched a brand-new initiative so it could do more in the community. The HIGH FIVE FOREVER campaign will enable franchisees to make a difference to other people’s lives directly. Each of the 95 UK franchisees has committed to a monthly £5 donation from their ledger – essentially, the value of one high volume UK shipment per month. From just the first month, InXpress has raised £475.
In a statement, the brand said: “InXpress Gives Back is the heartbeat of who we are as a franchise brand. The HIGH FIVE FOREVER campaign will enable us to support more of the causes which affect us personally, in addition to the fundraising and charity-giving most of us are already engaged with, year-on-year.”