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Second career pays dividends

Second career pays dividends

Nick Turner’s Right at Home franchise has delivered rewards above and beyond financial success

Along-time volunteer, Nick Turner has always believed in stepping up to help others. But after supporting his mother to live with dementia, Nick had a ‘light bulb moment’ and realised he could use a good quality care franchise to make a difference to people’s lives. Five years later, his Right at Home franchise has delivered rewards above and beyond financial success.

When he ran his own bespoke furniture business, Nick was also a volunteer visitor - and had been for about 40 years - prior to opening Right at Home mid-Hampshire. His compassionate nature and consideration for others made him an easy person to speak with and pleasant company for those in hospital or care homes who were otherwise alone. So when he came across the Right at Home franchise, it seemed a natural choice.

Helping hand

“Meeting clients who need care is similar to meeting a customer who needs a handmade kitchen,” Nick explains. “You draw alongside them. You hold their hand as you guide them to where they want to be, connecting with their story along the way. I’m very sociable and have always supported anyone who needed a helping hand.”

These attributes made Nick Turner the perfect candidate for Right at Home.

As a homecare franchise, Right at Home is committed to delivering outstanding quality care to clients. At the heart of every local office is a desire to support clients’ independence in their own homes.

Franchisees and CareGivers treat them as part of the family - often going the extra mile. The catalyst that led Nick to invest in Right at Home was his mother: “My mother suffered with dementia. About a year after she died, I was at a wedding where I met a Right at Home franchisee. We were talking about what he did and within minutes I felt an excitement grow within me. It was my light bulb moment.”

Instant connection

When Nick met with Ken Deary, CEO of Right at Home UK, he felt an instant connection with wanting to provide high end care.

“With their extensive knowledge of the care industry and business management, I felt confident I could do it,” Nick says. “It would have taken longer to reach my current level of success without their training and support.”

Nick recognises the importance of the Right at Home network, highlighting the impact it has: “Right at Home have chosen their franchisees extremely well. There is terrific camaraderie between us and everyone is committed to supporting each other, as we seek to deliver exceptional services to clients.

“And national office support is beyond outstanding. People of the highest calibre work behind the scenes to help us succeed. Knowing they are behind you, is a real boost.”

Looking to the future, Nick says: “As I grow, I want my staff of 65 CareGivers to have fun as they deliver outstanding care to our clients. The furniture business was static, Right at Home is different. My aim is to keep growing, until I’m the one who needs care.”

At a glance Right at Home UK

Established: 2010
Number of franchised outlets: 64
Location of units: England and Wales
Investment range: Up to £130,000
Minimum required capital: £40,000
Contact: Kate Dilworth. / 07825 047344

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