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My franchise story: Investing in a life-changing business with ActionCOACH

My franchise story: Investing in a life-changing business with ActionCOACH

ActionCOACH franchisee Gary Mullins tells us about his experience running his own business

“I worked as a CEO and managing director having grown from production management over a period of 20 years. I spent my career all over the world but never getting to really enjoy places,” Gary Mullins explains. “So, I decided to look for something which would give me a better work-life balance.”

With his background in business development and managing teams, he was an ideal candidate for this growing franchise network.

“At the point, ActionCOACH approached me I had very little understanding of what business coaching actually entailed,” he says. “ActionCOACH’s global conference in early 2007 was in Dublin and the UK master licensee offered to fly me out. I came back with so much information, I was impressed and six weeks later I flew out to Las Vegas for initial training.

“It was a life-changing 10 days. Not only did I learn their systemised approach to growing businesses and the technical knowledge of this new profession but I also went through a huge personal transition. I was clear on what I wanted to achieve as a business, as a coach, and how I could make a difference to people’s lives.”

Building a team

“Some people choose to coach to the hours they wish to work, whilst other franchise partners want to build a larger business.

“I had left corporate life to get a better work balance, but I also needed the business to support me in retirement. That meant I had to build the business to a size where it would generate an income for me once I was no longer working.

“Four years on, I was ready to move forward with my growth plan. My son, Steve, had joined me as a business development manager and it was around this time that he decided to become a coach.

“We now have 30 one-to-one coaching clients and have recently recruited another coach. It has become much more than a business that would support me in my retirement.

“As well as making a difference to the lives of the business owners we coach and their employees, we now coach several charity organisations and fundraise with our local round table.”

A £10-million business

“Our five-year horizon is to build a £4-million-plus business with eight employed coaches, but our ultimate goal is to grow to £10-million turnover. Steve is passionate about giving back and reaching that level of income means we can make a significant difference.

“ActionCOACH is world-class in terms of support. You can achieve a fantastic return on investment but you must have clear long-term goals and be willing to put the work in. I did and it’s paying off for me, my family and our community.”

Next steps

ActionCOACH is the UK’s Best B2B franchise and is one of only four franchises to achieve a five-star franchisee satisfaction status six times.

If you would like to develop a brighter future and you:

A) get a buzz from helping others succeed
B) love learning and developing yourself
C) have enjoyed success in your career or sport

Then find out more by watching the six-minute overview video at

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