Razzamataz’s Early Years franchise has been created for people wanting to work in the children’s performing arts industry, but who don’t have the relevant experience to launch a Razzamataz Theatre School.
The part-time business consists of a new product called Razz Tiny Tots, a class especially designed for babies and their parent/carer. It will also include the established Razz Tots for children age two and three and Razz Minis for those age four and five.
Denise Hutton-Gosney, managing director and founder of Razzamataz, says: “These classes will be run during the week rather than a Saturday and unlike the main school there won’t be an end of year show to organise.
“This makes the franchise much more accessible to a wide range of people, who can combine it with another part-time job or looking after children.” As a launch incentive, Razzamataz is looking for three franchisees to pilot the franchise in return for a 50 per cent discount on the £5,000 franchise fee.